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Rabu, 14 April 2010

install mikrotik

install mikrotik

1. masukan cd instlaller mikrotik anda

2. jng lpa boot cd tentunya

3. Setelah booting melalui CD anda akan melihat menu dimana
anda dapat memilih paket mana saja yang akan diinstall,dri
pket2 tsb tentukan pket yg akan anda gunakan.kira2 tampilanya
seperti ini:

Welcome to MikroTik Router Software installation

Move around menu using ‘p’ and ‘n’ or arrow keys, select with
Select all with ‘a’, minimum with ‘m’. Press ‘i’ to install locally or ‘r’ to
install remote router or ‘q’ to cancel and reboot.
[X] system [ ] isdn [ ] synchronous
[X] ppp [ ] lcd [ ] telephony
[X] dhcp [ ] ntp [ ] ups
[X] advanced-tools [ ] radiolan [ ] web-proxy
[ ] arlan [ ] routerboard [ ] wireless
[ ] gps [X] routing
[ ] hotspot [X] security
Ikuti instruksi, pilih paket yang diinginkan dengan menekan tombol
space pada keyboard, dan tekan i untuk menginstall Mikrotik.

4.dan anda akan ditanyai 2 hal

Warning: all data on the disk will be erased!
Continue? [y/n]
Press [Y] to continue or [N] to abort the installation.
Do you want to keep old configuration? [y/n]:
You should choose whether you want to keep old configuration
(press [Y]) or to erase the configuration permanently (press [N])
and continue without saving it. For a fresh installation, press [N].
Creating partition…
Formatting disk…
The system will install selected packages. After that you will be
prompted to press ‘Enter’. Before doing that, remove the CD from
your CD-Drive:
Software installed.

Press ENTER to reboot
pilih y (yes) untuk pertnyaan pertama,dlam artian anda setuju untuk
menghapus/memformat hardisk anda

pilih y (yes) untuk pertnyaan kedua,dlam artian anda sejutu untuk
menyimpan konfigurasi pda mikrotik anda seblmnya.

5.Tekan enter untuk me-restart router pc anda

dikutip dari :Bloogs k0d0ks
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